Edition Three
5 April 2024

Mary MacKillop College acknowledges the Kaurna people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Lenten Prayer​
‘I am the resurrection and the life.
If anyone believes in me, even though they die they will live,
and whoever lives and believes in me
will never die.' (John 11:25)
We pray,
Creator God,
We praise you for loving us so deeply
that you sent Jesus to save us.
We remember his suffering,
his dying, and his rising.
With him we continue each day
to live for your love.

Sonia Nelson

Easter blessings to one and all! We hope that you were able to celebrate the joy of the resurrection and spend time with family and friends over the break.
The last few weeks have been particularly busy, with end of term activities, Open Night and the Opening Ceremony for the Tenison Centre. Our gathering as a whole school community at the St Joseph’s Feast Day Mass was also an opportunity to commission our student leaders. We are proud of the dedication and service of these girls and know they will be fine ambassadors for our College.
The Tenison Centre Opening Ceremony was a fitting way to acknowledge all those who have been part of the journey for this significant capital development project. Sisters of St Joseph, Board Directors, representatives from Catholic Education South Australia, past Principal Kath McGuigan and those involved in the construction were among the guests who joined some staff and students for this special event. The light, bright and inspiring learning spaces have been well utilised and appreciated since the start of the year.
Proudly on display in the foyer of the Tenison Centre are shells from the Great Barrier Reef, Cooktown (1879-1880), which are part of Fr Julian Tenison Woods' personal collection. These are on permanent loan from the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.
Open Night 2024 was an amazing showcase of all that is wonderful at Mary MacKillop College! The place was buzzing as visitors toured the various displays and performances, with opportunities to speak with students and staff. We have received so much positive feedback about the event, and most particularly about the happy, confident and helpful students who led the tours – true MacKillop Girls! Heartfelt thanks to all those involved in making the day a success.
Enjoy the many articles and photos in this newsletter, highlighting the learning, fun and celebrations that we have enjoyed over the last few weeks. They are a testament to the enthusiasm and engagement of our students as well as the energy and commitment of our staff.
My best wishes for the last few days of term and for a safe and happy holiday. Looking back over a busy and productive Term 1, we have much to be grateful for in our beautiful College. Go well and God bless.
Sonia Nelson
26 March 2024

21 March 2024

Jasmin Eckert

Leadership Commissioning
On Thursday 21 March, we came together to celebrate St Joseph’s Feast Day, guided by the spirit of the Sisters of St Joseph and inspired by the example of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. It was a profound gathering where we reflected on the virtues of St Joseph – his humility, deep faith and extraordinary love for others.
Following Mass at Saint Ignatius Church, we transitioned into a significant part of our gathering, the Leadership Commissioning Ceremony. Leadership, as we emphasised, is a call to serve, to be courageous and to act with justice. Drawing inspiration from St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we acknowledged our student leaders who have answered this call to represent their peers, create opportunities and courageously build community.
At Mary MacKillop College, we recognise leadership across four areas of school life: Student Wellbeing, the Student Representative Council (SRC), Peer Support, and the Student Leadership Team. It was with great pleasure that we presented certificates and badges to our student leaders.
The following students have been commissioned as leaders of our community:
Student Representative Council (SRC) for 2024:
From Year 7: Gabriella, Alessia
From Year 8: Caitlin, Tahlia
From Year 9: Chanel, Olivia
From Year 10: Mikayla, Josephine
From Year 11: Jenna, Lucy
Wellbeing Ambassadors for 2024:
From Year 7: Shelley, Charlotte, Samantha
From Year 8: Charlotte
From Year 9: Chiara, Allegra, Benithi, Evelyn
From Year 10: Eliana, Alissa, Amelie, Gabriella, Kristal
Peer Support Leaders for 2024:
Jessie, Kiara, Sofia, Jennifer, Chiara, Francesca, Tiana, Kelsey, Ally, Angelique, Poppy, Orla
Student Leadership Team for 2024:
College Captain: Erin, Alessia
Social Justice Captain: Scarlett, Isabelle
Wellbeing Captain: Lily, Kahlea
Arts Captain: Imogen, Kiara
Year 7 Prefect: Jade
Year 8 Prefect: Chantel
Year 9 Prefect: Jaymie
Year 10 Prefect: Alessia
Year 11 Prefect: Sophie
Year 12 Prefect: Amelia
Alexander House Captain: Keeleigh
Flora House Captain: Ivy
Tappeiner House Captain: Eloise
Tenison House Captain: Ava
We extend our warmest wishes to our Student Leaders for 2024 as they undertake their roles with dedication and commitment.
MMC Colour Run - Supporting Caritas Australia's Project Compassion
On Friday 22 March, Mary MacKillop College students and staff gathered on the oval for the MMC Colour Run, supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. Organised by the dedicated Student Leadership Team, this fun-filled fundraiser drew in students and staff, eager to contribute to a worthy cause while enjoying a burst of colour.
The event kicked off with enthusiastic cheers as teachers were doused in colour by students. Then it was the students turn, weaving through the colour stations and joyfully being splashed while creating unforgettable memories.
With each lap of the oval, participants not only embraced the spirit of camaraderie but also made a meaningful contribution to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. The funds raised from raffle tickets and donations will go towards supporting vital projects aimed at alleviating poverty and promoting justice in communities across the globe. With hearts full of joy and inspiration, the community looks forward to future endeavours that will continue to make a positive impact, one colourful step at a time.
As the term draws to a close, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all members of our College community for their support throughout these past months. Your contributions have made this term rich and fulfilling, marked by numerous activities, extracurricular learning and dedicated teaching and learning efforts. I wish you all a restful term break filled with moments of connection with family and friends.
Looking forward to the term ahead.
Jasmin Eckert
Deputy Principal
22 March 2024

21 March 2024

Adriana Sotira

"So, it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead" - Luke 24:46
“God gives me strength for what is necessary” - St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, 1877
St Joseph Feast Day Mass
“When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home” - Matthew 1:24
On Thursday 21 March we gathered as a College community to celebrate the Feast of St Joseph. The mass was a sacred and meaningful occasion allowing us to honour the life and legacy of this humble and faithful man who protected and cared for Mary and Jesus, placing their needs before his own. Joseph was a man of deep faith, turning constantly to God for guidance and strength.
This day was also special as the College Student Leaders were presented to the school. We would like to congratulate them on their commitment to providing responsible leadership and we wish them all the best as they grow in confidence in their leadership abilities. May they continue to have courage to lead with compassion and bring about change where is needed in our College community.
Lenten Liturgy and Easter Prayer Service
As we entered into the reflective season of Lent, our school gathered to participate in a special Lenten Liturgy on Holy Thursday. This meaningful gathering provided us with an opportunity to pause, reflect and deepen our spiritual journey as we prepared our hearts for the joyous celebration of Easter.
The Lenten Liturgy served as a sacred time for us to enter into prayerful reflection, penance and renewal. With the help of the Year 8 Drama students and the Student Leadership Team, we were invited us to embrace the call to repentance and conversion, drawing closer to God and one another during this holy season.
Through scripture readings, prayers and songs, we journeyed with Jesus through his final days on earth. We reflected on the themes of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. This reflective time led us to the joy of Easter, where we celebrated the triumph of life over death and the promise of new beginnings.
As we rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, may this Easter season fill your hearts with renewed hope, joy and peace. May Easter remind you of God’s endless love for each of us and may it bring new beginnings, fresh starts and opportunities for growth and transformation.
Adriana Sotira
Religious Education Coordinator
21 March 2024

Linda Di Blasio

What a wonderful term it has been for the Arts!
Visual Arts
With the Opening of the new Tenison Centre, we had much to celebrate. The opening was a special occasion as we commemorated its namesake, Father Julian Tenison Woods. Father Julian was known for his love of Art and Science and demonstrated this in his botanical and specimen drawings and paintings.
Our Japanese exchange students enjoyed spending time working on landscape painting. They also explored crafts while creating woven raffia pieces and developing an understanding of the skills involved in Australian Indigenous textiles.
Our Open Night guests were in awe of the new building. The Visual Arts area had displays ranging from Years 7 to 12 including drawing, painting, sculpture and design. There was also an alumnae display of past scholars Stage 2 artworks. Year 11 students Daniella, Ella, Erin and Keira helped visitors create beautiful pen and watercolour imagery in a personal style keyring.
The Year 9 Art students have begun researching landscapes and have now photographed scenes of Kensington. We look forward to seeing these as finished paintings showing aerial perspective within the community landscape. Year 8 students have completed their fairy tale theme tessellations exploring pattern, colour and of course, the mathematical imagery involved in MC Escher’s artwork.
In March, the Stage 1 and 2 Visual Arts classes visited the 2024 SACE Art Show. The exhibition was a wonderful display of skill and talent from the Stage 2 2023 students in South Australia. We were most excited to see MMC student Melani’s work up in lights!
Our Year 8 Drama students led the Paschal Liturgy on Holy Thursday. As each story of the events of the Passion were read, the students performed the scenes of the Last Supper and events leading up to the crucifixion of Christ.
Our Dance students were amazing on Open Night with performances from the Years 8, 9 and SACE Dance students, showcasing part of a Jazz Technique class, dance composition, as well as sections of performance work choreographed so far this year. Our Year 9 Dance Academy and SACE Dance students recently celebrated the success of their dance piece ‘The Earth Speaks’, part of the Create4Adelaide exhibition, by visiting the Adelaide Botanic Gardens Bicentenary Conservatory where they found inspiration for their next piece of choreography in the intricate beauty of nature. Dance students also visited the Adelaide School of the Arts to view Daniel Jaber’s innovative work, ‘Rip, Drag, Ruminate’, performed by the talented second year students. We look forward to the Come ‘n’ Try MacKillop Day in Week 11 of this term, where our future MacKillop girls will experience Dance at MacKillop.
Music students performed beautifully for the Tenison Centre Opening Ceremony as well as on Open Night. It was lovely to hear music throughout the evening from the Performance and Liturgical Choirs. Our Stage 2 Music students Imogen and Isabelle, as well as Year 8 Music students Michaila and Charlotte sang solos and performed wonderfully for the audience. We look forward to the Come ‘n’ Try MacKillop Day in Week 11 of this term, where our future MacKillop girls will experience Music at MacKillop.
Overall, it has been a great term for the Arts as we have showcased many exciting displays in all areas.
Linda Di Blasio
The Arts Leader of Learning

Zoe Duffy

As we bid farewell to another term, it is time to reflect on the many sporting events that have kept our MacKillop Girls busy in the pool or on the track, court and field. From the Whole School Athletics Carnival, Term 1 Sport to the Swim Squad sessions, our girls have showcased exemplary dedication and sportsmanship in every endeavour.
Athletics Carnival Recap
On Friday March 15, the Mary MacKillop College Athletics Carnival unfolded with tremendous spirit and enthusiasm. Students from Years 7-12 donned their house colours with pride and embracing the theme of 'Iconic Childhood Memories', showcasing their creativity and imagination.
We congratulate the House Captains, Keeleigh, Ivy, Eloise and Ava for their dedication and leadership showcased throughout the day and in the lead up to the carnival.
The carnival was a resounding success, and we are immensely proud of our students' achievements.
Congratulations to the 2024 Age Champions:
U/13 Runner up: Sebi
U/13 Champion: Eliza
U/14 Runner Up: Ashlyn
U/14 Champion: Caitlin
U/15 Runner Up: Ava
U/15 Champion: Kaysii
U/16 Runner Up: Sophie
U/16 Champion: Melissa
16+ Runner Up: Poppy
16+ Champion: Keeleigh
100m Sprint Champion: Keeleigh - 12.40 seconds
Several records were broken on the day, with the new records listed below:
Eliza U/13 High Jump, 1.36m
Anna U/14 Discus, 17.39m
Caitlin U/14 Triple Jump, 10.31m
Kaysii U/15 100m, 12.99 seconds
Congratulations, girls!
House Spirit Award and Final Standings:
Tenison House, led by Captain Ava, clinched the Spirit Award for 2024.
Final standings for the day were as follows:
1st: Tappeiner House – 890 points
2nd: Alexander House - 867 points
3rd: Tenison House - 827 points
4th: Flora House - 706 points
Congratulations to all members of Tappeiner House and House Captain Eloise for their outstanding achievement!
Swim Squad Highlights
A special mention goes out to the dedicated students who participated in the Swim Squad throughout Term 1. Your commitment to early morning training sessions is truly commendable. A big thank you to Coach Noah, Ms Parente and Ms Lepore for their support. The Swim Squad will resume in Term 4, offering students further opportunities to enhance their fitness.
School Sport SA Track and Field Championships
Our students excelled at the School Sport SA Track and Field Championships held in Week 9. The Athletics Squad showcased exceptional talent and sportsmanship, finishing the day in first place to take out the E grade State Championships. Well done to all students involved! We wish them the best of luck when they compete at the Catholic Girls Carnival in Term 3.
Ten Pin Bowling Carnival
School Sport SA held a Ten Pin Bowling Carnival for students with a disability. We were pleased to enter a team on the day who enjoyed showing their skills and encouraged each other throughout the day. Congratulations to all students involved and a special shout out to Jasmine who bowled three strikes on the day!
Term 1 Sport Achievements
Congratulations to all students who participated in Term 1 Sport. Your representation of the College was exemplary, highlighting sportsmanship, teamwork, and leadership across all teams. We eagerly await your return for Term 4 sports activities. Term 1 Sport premiership winning teams and Sport Value Award winners will be honoured at the Mary MacKillop College Sports celebration in Term 4.
- Changes to the upcoming Term 2/3 Winter Sport season will be communicated to students via email and the student bulletin
- The training schedule and weekly game schedule will be available on the Sport Portal Page on SEQTA
- Students who ordered a soccer or netball uniform, will be notified in Week 1 when their uniform is available to collect.
Zoe Duffy
Sport Coordinator
15 March 2024

Laura Abarno

Mary MacKillop College recently had the pleasure of hosting a bright and enthusiastic group of students from St Capitanio, Japan as part of our ongoing Cultural Exchange program. Over three enriching weeks, our visitors enjoyed the many experiences on offer at Mary MacKillop College and immersed themselves in our Australian culture and traditions.
From educational lessons to recreational activities, the St Capitanio students embraced every opportunity afforded to them with enthusiasm and openness. They delighted in outings to Norwood Swimming Pool, Hoyts Cinema, and Kingpin Bowling, relishing the opportunity to explore varying facets of Australian life.
Our guests also participated wholeheartedly in College events, joining in the spirited festivities of our Athletics Carnival and Project Compassion Colour Run. Their awe, laughter and friendship added an extra layer of enjoyment to these memorable occasions.
A significant aspect of their visit was the integration into our academic environment. Through our “buddy” system, the St Capitanio students shadowed their MacKillop counterparts, attending classes and engaging in lesson content. This immersion not only facilitated cultural exchange but also fostered meaningful connections between students.
As we bid farewell to our dear friends from Japan, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the memories shared and friendships forged. We extend our warmest wishes for safe travel back to Japan, and hope that the experiences gained during their time at Mary MacKillop College will be affectionately recalled in years to come.
Laura Abarno
Years 9 and 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Liz Stewart

Meals on Wheels SA, in collaboration with Mary MacKillop College, is launching an exciting new intergenerational program called Rite Now!
This program connects older adults with Year 9 students who are undertaking The Rite Journey program.
We are excited to extend an invitation to individuals interested in joining us for this unique and enriching experience.
If you are interested in joining us or know someone who is, please make contact with either Liz Stewart, Mary MacKillop College's Director of Students lstewart@marymackillop.sa.edu.au, or Sarah Harrison, Meals on Wheels Project Officer marketing@mealsonwheelssa.org.au.
Liz Stewart
Director of Students

Join our Principal, Sonia Nelson, for a tour of the College.
Principal’s Tours are a great opportunity for prospective MacKillop girls and families to visit the College and to meet our Principal. You will meet senior staff and students on an intimate tour of the school and experience our warm hospitality.
Term 2 Tours:
Wednesday 1 May 5.00pm
Friday 31 May 9.30am
Wednesday 26 June 9.30am

Mary MacKillop College warmly invites girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 to spend a day with us as a MacKillop girl.
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Days are a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to meet our staff and students while being involved in a range of interactive lessons and meeting new friends.
Important Dates
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Day
Year 12 Retreat commences
Good News Assembly
Year 12 Retreat concludes
Last day of Term 1 2024, 1.25pm dismissal
Term 2 commences
Principal's Twilight Tour
Awards Assembly
Generations in Jazz, Mt Gambier
Year 10 Retreat
Year 7 Retreat
Principal's Tour
Come 'n' Try MacKillop Day
Reminder - Term 2 Winter Uniform

College Calendar
A reminder, the College Calendar can be accessed via the SEQTA Portal page.
Thank you.
Purchase your Entertainment Membership today

Catholic Schools Parents SA

Click here to access the Charter for Parents from Catholic School Parents South Australia.

Child Safe Environments

Mary MacKillop College Kensington provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
Every year, students are taught the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) which is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people.